Friday, April 7, 2017

Entry 09 - Cloud; Online Storage


When I was a little girl, I thought there was only one kind of cloud - the clouds in the sky. As I get older, I started to use an online drive which I can store my personal information. According to Machajewski, Cloud Storage is a technology that allows us to save files in storage, and then access those files via the Cloud(1). Online drives let users to upload their files such as documents, photos and videos and users are also able to share their information with other people. It gives a huge advantage since it saves a storage on computers' disk and users can sync their phones with computers. By syncing the devices, users can work more efficiently and conveniently since they can access the information from the other devices with their individual accounts. Moreover, the uploaded files would not go missing even if the device crushes. Google, Apple, Samsung, OneDrive, Mediafire, Dropbox and many other companies currently offer their users these online storage for our convenience.

<Relations to Computer Science>

Cloud is designed in a way that users are able to access the information that they uploaded over the internet. In order to do this, engineers connects the computers and the accounts. Designing a cloud is part of a networking technology and recently, the field called cloud computing is rising as a new groundbreaking informational technology. As I read article about clouds, I see a close relationship to an inheritance and social networking program that we learned in class. Object Oriented Programing would be used by computer programers to build the technology for clouds. In a near future I believe that computer scientists will come up with an innovative idea that will make our lives more convenient with the further researches.